Sunday 23 January 2011

New Award

Firstly, thank you for all the warm comments about my klutzy day.  Thankfully it hasn't been repeated yet (knock on wood!), so things are looking up!

Secondly, Suburban Princess so kindly passed on the Stylish Blogger Award to me!  Love that fellow Canadian!  I feel so honored to be considered stylish!

I have to list seven things about myself, so here it goes!
  1. I HATE wearing pants! I avoid wearing them with all my might! I will always prefer a dress or skirt over jeans or sweatpants for comfort.  It's proven a little difficult to stick to my no-pants rule this winter though, but you can be sure to find me in a skirt the second the temperature creeps about 32 degrees!
  2. My absolutely biggest pet peeve is the sound that people make when they eat.  If you smack your food while you chew or pop your gum, you will get dirty looks coming your way!
  3. I'm left-handed. Which I feel like I may have mentioned before... but oh well!  I like that I'm different, but it sure does come with difficulties!  I smudge my writing, drawings, and paintings all the time.  Apparently my parents tried to make me a righty when I was learning to write, but I was too stubborn and resisted.  My brother was turned, but not me!  I guess we know who the stronger sibling is...
  4. I have never had a pet in my entire life.  I BEGGED my parents for a dog for years, but never had any luck.  When I rode horses, I told them I'd gladly take a horse over a car, but got my Volvo instead (although looking back now, I'm glad they didn't take me up on my offer).  The closest thing I've had to a pet is the three baby chickens I brought home for a week for my 7th Grade science class. My parents sure weren't pleased about that one. The poor chickies had to live on my porch for the duration of their stay.
  5. It's no secret that I love pink.  But, much like the editor of Quality magazine, I like to turn EVERYTHING pink.  I will pinkefy anything and everything that I can.  This summer, I went to the local Via Lilly store and Michael's and bought a whole slew of goodies to decorate my little desk space at Emily Post.  I even had little Lilly gingham circle notes on which I would write any phone messages.  I have may have a problem.... Anyone know of a 12 step program?  Maybe  PA (Pinkaholics Anonymous)?
  6. I'm DYING to go to the National Stationery Show in NYC.  My obsession with stationery is well known, and I'd probably pass out from the excitement of actually being there, but holy moly would it be a dream come true! I've seen pics from previous years, and of course the Lifeguard Press booth is full of pretty Lilly goodies that I'd love to snatch up!
  7. One of my life ambitions has, and always will be, to make others happy.  It's something my parents don't quite understand, but I care more about the smaller happy moments of life than having a financially successful corporate career as an accountant (which is what my parents wanted me to be). I want a career doing something that I really love, and hopefully that will include being able to spread cheer or help others.

Ok, now to pass on the award to other fab bloggers!


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