It's official, my mom and I are off to Italy the day after I finish my very last college exam! I'm so excited! My mom surprised me with the possibility of a trip to Italy a couple of weeks ago, but as of yesterday everything is now booked! We'll be in Italy April 29- May 12.
We're flying to Rome first to see the beatification of John Paul II on May 1st. I've studied the Renaissance in several classes for my Art History degree, so I'm thoroughly excited to finally be able to see everything in person! Although my mom jokingly (I hope) informed me that I would be the tour guide and expected to give historical information for everything. I may have to sneak a textbook with me...
Then off to Florence by train. Home of the Uffizi gallery! Apparently art will be the theme of this trip, but I have no problem with that!
And lastly Venice, from which we will fly back home to Canada. I've heard so many times that it is the most beautiful city in the world. I'm bringing my sketchbook with me for this trip, and I'm sure I'll be inspired.
This trip is long overdue. My mom was supposed to come visit me in Poland after I finished my study abroad semester a couple of years ago, after which we would have travelled through Italy. Unfortunately I had to leave Europe early for my summer job, so the trip was postponed. But I think it will be so much more special after this year! It's the best way to celebrate the completion of both my Bachelor degrees, especially my art history degree. I'm also glad it's going to be a ''girl's trip," with just my mom and me. My father is a frantic traveler - speedwalks through the sites, stops for nothing, and takes thousands of pictures of architecture (granted, he is an architect, so I do understand this particular trait), but it means I never get to calm down, relax, and just enjoy the places I'm visiting. My mother is much prefers to walk slowly and let the surrounding city truly sink in, which will be the perfect way to enjoy a culture known for its leisurely approach to life. Plus, my mom is a fellow coffee addict like myself, so she's the perfect person with whom to stop for cappuccino breaks!
I've been reading a couple guidebooks since my mom broke the news, but I'd LOVE any suggestions from my readers! If any one has any great travel tips, must-see sights, or too-good-to-pass-up cappuccino bars, please let me know!
I must say, there is nothing like planning a trip to Italy to inspire me to study study study for my upcoming Art of the High Renaissance Test!
PS- now that I've reached 100 followers, I'll be posting another giveaway within the next couple of days. So check back soon!
(images taken from google image search)